
International Peer-reviewed Conference Presentations

Bamyacı, E. Bilingual Processing at Semantics-Morphosyntax interface: A study on the interaction of Animacy and Turkish DOM in Turkish-German heritage bilingual speakers. (Poster presentation) Bilingualism vs. monolingualism: a new perspective on limitations to L2 acquisition. 19-20.06.2017, Toulouse, France

Bamyacı, E. Bilingual sensitivity to conceptual structures: Evidence from Turkish Differential Object Marking. International Workshop: The Acquisition of Differential Object Marking. 10.12.2016, Paris, France

Bamyacı, E. DOM in grammar of Turkish-German bilingual speakers. Workshop on sentence processing in multilingual and other less commonly studied populations. 4-5.08.2016, Potsdam, Germany

von Heusinger K., Bamyacı, E. Specificity effects of Turkish Differential Object Marking.12th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL12). 13-15.06.2016, Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT, USA

Bamyacı, E., von Heusinger K. Animacy effects on Differential Object Marking in Turkish. (Poster presentation) Linguistic Evidence 2016: Empirical, theoretical and computational perspectives. 18-20.02.2016, Tübingen, Germany

Bamyacı, E. Comparing semantics-syntax and pragmatics-syntax interfaces: Animacy and Givenness in the grammar of monolingual and bilingual heritage speakers of Turkish. Special session: Semantics and pragmatics interface phenomena – theory building and testing. Linguistic Evidence 2016: Empirical, theoretical and computational perspectives. 18-20.02.2016, Tübingen, Germany

Bamyacı, E. Non-convergence at syntax-morphosyntax and pragmatics-morphosyntax interfaces: Evidence from Turkish-German Heritage Bilingual Speakers. Workshop: Lost in transmission? The role of attrition and input in heritage language development. 8-9.10.2015, Reading, UK

Arslan S., Bamyacı, E., Bastiaanse R. Verbs in Turkish agrammatic narrative speech. 16th Science of Aphasia Conference (SoA-XVI), 17-22.09.2015, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Bamyacı, E. “Non-native-like” yet “pragmatically constrained” patterns in grammar of Heritage Bilingual Speakers. Morphosyntactic Interference in Heritage Languages. 11.06.2015, Bristol, UK

Bamyacı, E. Semantic-pragmatic constraints on optional verb number marking. 11th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL11). 4-6.06.2015, York, UK

Bamyacı, E., Häussler, J., Kabak, B. An experimental investigation of optionality in subject-verb agreement in Turkish. Agreement 2014: Defining and Mapping Agreement. 31.07.2014, York, UK

Bamyacı, E., Kabak B. Interface or gradience? An ME study on bilinguals. (Invited poster presentation) Workshop on Neurobilingualism. 25-27.09.2013, Groningen, The Netherlands

Bamyacı, E., Kabak B. Non-convergence and optionality in bilinguals at the semantics-morphosyntax interface. (CASTL Invited Guest) Workshop: Acquisition at the Interface. 22-23.10.2012, Tromsø, Norway

Haspelmath M., Calude, A., Narrog H., Spagnol M., Bamyacı, E. Coding causal-noncausal verb alternations: a form-frequency correspondence explanation. The 5th Syntax of the World’s Languages (SWL5), 01-04.10.2012, Dubrovnik-Neretva, Croatia

Haspelmath M., Calude A., Narrog H., Spagnol M., Bamyacı, E. Coding causal-noncausal verb alternations: a form-frequency correspondence explanation. 45th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 2012). 29.08-01.09.2012, Stockholm, Sweden

Bamyacı, E., Kabak B. Processing of gradient structures in bilinguals: ME measurement on agreement in Turkish. (Invited presentation) Workshop: Studies on normal and impaired language acquisition in monolingual and bilingual children and adults. 12-13.07.2012, Konstanz, Germany

Rinker T., Winter V., Bamyacı, E., Eulitz C. Plural processing in Turkish-German children and adults. Workshop: Studies on normal and impaired language acquisition in monolingual and bilingual children and adults. 12-13.07.2012, Konstanz, Germany

Bamyacı, E., Kabak B. Gradience and change at the morphosyntax-semantics interface: Turkish number agreement and animacy hierarchy. 8th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL8). 18-20.05.2012, Stuttgart, Germany

Winter V., Bamyacı, E., Eulitz C. & Rinker T. Behavioral and neurophysiological processing of German plural morphemes in Turkish-German bilinguals. International conference: Bilingual and Multilingual Interaction. 30.03-01.04.2012, Bangor, UK

Bamyacı, E., Winter, V., Eulitz, C., Rinker, T. Processing of plural morphology in bilingual adults. International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB8). 15-18.06.2011, Oslo, Norway

Budde N., Bamyacı, E., Winter V. & Rinker T. Language processing in Turkish children with German as second language: Experimental design and pre-study results. International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB8). 15-18.06.2011, Oslo, Norway

Spagnol M., Bamyacı, E., Schönhuber F. From State to State: On the typology of states and the causative-inchoative alternation. (Poster presentation) Semantics in the Netherlands (SiN-VIII). 05.11.2010, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Bamyacı, E., Kabak B. Plural Agreement and Animacy in Turkish: An Acceptability Judgment Study. 15th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics (ICTL 2010). 20-22.08.2010, Szeged, Hungary

Bamyacı, E., Bastiaanse R. Time reference in Turkish agrammatic speakers. (Volcano Poster) 17th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting (CNS 2010). 17-20.04.2010, Montreal, Canada

Bamyacı, E., Bastiaanse R. Time Reference in Turkish speakers with Broca’s Aphasia. 10th Nordic Conference on Bilingualism. 27-29.10.2009, University of Tartu, Estonia

Bastiaanse R., Bamyacı, E., Hsu C., Lee J., Yarbay Duman T., Thompson C. The Production and Comprehension of Grammatical Time Reference in Agrammatic Aphasia: A Cross Linguistic Study. (Poster presentation) Academy of Aphasia 47th Annual Meeting. 18-20.10.2009, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Bamyacı, E., Bastiaanse R. Time Reference in Turkish Agrammatic Speakers. 10th International Science of Aphasia Conference (SoA-X) . 28.09-03.10.2009, Antalya, Turkey

Anjarningsih H.Y., Bamyacı, E., Hsu C.J., Bastiaanse R. The comprehension of time reference in agrammatic aphasia: A comparison of languages with Tense and languages with Aspectual adverbs. 10th International Science of Aphasia Conference (SoA-X). 28.09-03.10.2009, Antalya, Turkey


Invited Talks

Bamyacı, E. Differential Object Marking and specificity in mono- and bilingual speakers of Turkish. Workshop on (In)definiteness and (non)specificity: Meaning and usage. Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany (with Klaus von Heusinger) 26.06.2017. Ref. Prof. Artemis Alexiadou

Bamyacı, E. Processing of conceptual structures at the interface module: Data from Agrammatic Speakers. Workshop on Impairments in the mental lexicon: The case of child and adult bilinguals. University of Potsdam, Germany, 03.08.2016 Ref. Prof. Ayşe Gürel

Bamyacı, E. Gradience in bilingual grammars. Linguistics Colloquium, University of Bielefeld, Germany, 27.01.2016 Ref. Prof. Stavros Skopeteas

Bamyacı, E. Bilingual processing of linguistic interfaces. Linguistics Research Seminar, Centre for Research in Language Learning and Use, University of York, UK, 07.10.2015 Ref. Prof. Leah Roberts


Certificates for Workshops & Symposia

Würzburg International Autumn School on Lasting Learning, 09-13.10.2023, University of Würzburg, Germany
– Enabling meaningful learning through enhancing metacomprehension?, Dr. Stefanie Golke
– Metacomprehension accuracy: Promises and challenges, Dr. Anja Prinz
– Meta-analyses of experimental designs with dependent effects, Prof. Timo Gnambs
– Mixed effect models for experimental researchers, Dr. Andreas Wertgen

Children’s Literature Seminar, 2-27.06.2020, Istanbul University, Turkey
– Children’s Literature in the Process of Acquiring Reading Skills, Prof. Dr. Sedat Sever
– Children’s Literature and Turkish Language Teaching, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bayram Baş
– Quality in Children’s Books, Prof. Dr. Selahattin Dilidüzgün
– Internal-External Structure Characteristics in Children’s Books, Dr. Melda Oryaşın
– Language and Regulation of Emotions, Yalvaç Ural
– Children’s Literature and Books, Dr. Fatih Erdoğan
– Analyzing Children’s Literature, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şükran Dilidüzgün
– Children’s Literature in Preschool Period, Prof. Dr. Ayşe Özgül İnce Samur
– Children’s Theater, Prof. Dr. Nihal Kuyumcu
– Children’s Media, Prof. Dr. Lecturer Prof. Dr. Cansu Özdenak Kandemir
– Bibliotherapy Applications in Children, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marilena Zinovia Leana Taşçılar
– Children’s Literature Reading Practices – Silent Book Workshop, Duygu Aydın Gönül
– Storytelling as a Tool to Stimulate Imagination, Özlem Yılmaz

Workshop on the “Magnetic Field Method” derived from structure of fictions, 01.04-30.06.2020, Prof. Beliz Güçbilmez, Ankara, Turkey

Workshop on Postverbal word order: Turkish and Turkic contact varieties, 14.12.2019, Department of Turcology, Free University Berlin, Germany

Workshop “Indefiniteness and Discourse Structure”. 17.11.2016, University of Cologne, Germany (talk given on “Specificity effects of Turkish Differential Object Marking”)

DGfS Summer School 2016. Mapping Meaning: Theory – Cognition – Variation. 15-26.08.2016, Tübingen, Germany
– Acquisition of semantics, Prof. Petra Schulz
– Processing at the syntax-discource interface, Prof. Lyn Frazier
– Temporal interpretation of narrative discourse: exploring the interaction between prominence and coherence, Prof. Daniel Altshuler

Workshop “Reference Tracking in Discourse”. 15-17.10.2015, University of Cologne, Germany (talk given on “Discourse function of optional verb number marking”)

Workshop “DOM in Spanish and Turkish”. 13.07.2015, Institute of Romance Languages and Institute of German Linguistics and Literature I, University of Cologne, Germany (talk given on “DOM in intensional context in Turkish”)

Workshop “Demonstratives and Reference Tracking”. 07.07.2015, University of Cologne, Germany

LOT Summer School. 15-26.06.2015, Leuven, Belgium
– Current topics in bilingualism, Prof. Jeanine Treffers-Daller
– How to improve your statistics, Prof. Paul Boersma
– Word recognition, Prof. Marc Brysbaert
– Language and the brain, Dr. Suzanne Dikker

Workshop  “Agreement in Discourse”. 01-02.02.2013, Department of General Linguistics, University of Bamberg, Germany

Workshop “Statistics for Linguistics with R”Prof. Stefan Evert at the 35th Annual Conference of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS 2013). 12-15.03.2013, University of Potsdam, Germany

15th International Morphology Meeting. 9-12.02.2012, Vienna, Austria

Workshop “Dimensions of Grammar”. 02-03.08.2011, University of Konstanz, Germany

Workshop “Suprasegmentals in Acquisition and Processing”. 31.05-01.06.2011, University of Konstanz, Germany

FiSS (Research Initiative: Language Diagnostics and Language Support) Spring Workshop “Visual Data Analyses and Evaluation of Existing Methods”. 28-29.03.2011, University of Hamburg, Germany (talk given on “Language Processing in Turkish Adults and Children with German as a Second Language: Neurophysiological and Linguistic Investigation”)

Workshop “ERP Analyses with Brain Analyzer 2.0”. 18.02.2011, Konstanz, Germany

International Conference Multilingual Individuals and Multilingual Societies (MIMS). 06-08.12.2010, University of Hamburg, Germany

Donostia Workshop on Neurobilingualism. 30.11-02.12.2010, Basque Centre on Cognition, Brain and Language, Basque Country

PhD Seminar: “Direction of Derivation (DoD)”Prof. Frans Plank, 19-30.07.2010, Department of Linguistics, University of Konstanz, Germany

PhD Seminar: “Corpus Linguistics”Prof. Heike Zinsmeister. 03-05.03.2010, Department of Linguistics, University of Konstanz, Germany

FiSS (Research Initiative: Language Diagnostics and Language Support) Spring Workshop, 17- 19.03.2010, University of Bamberg, Germany

PhD Workshop Linguistics 2010, 28-29.02.2010, University of Konstanz, Germany (talk given on “Processing of Turkish plural noun phrases in Turkish speakers with German L2”)

The First FiSS (Research Initiative: Language Diagnostics and Language Support) Autumn School for Young Researchers “Dealing with Experimental Data”. 25-27.11.2009, University of Hamburg, Germany

Workshop “Visions for Linguistics”. 20-22.11.2009, Schloss Freudental, Konstanz, Germany

COST Training School “Language Acquisition Methods”. 30.03-03.04.2009, Centre for General Linguistics (ZAS), Berlin, Germany

Workshop “Spontaneous Speech Analysis”, Prof. Roelien Bastiaanse at International Science of Aphasia Conference (SoA-X). 28.09-03.10.2009, Antalya, Turkey

Workshop “Statistical Tests Using R”, Dr. Pavel Logačev at International Science of Aphasia Conference (SoA-X). 28.09-03.10.2009, Antalya, Turkey

Symposium “Second Language Development: Grammar and Processing”, Prof. Holger Hopp. 19.12.2008, University of Groningen, the Netherlands

9th International Science of Aphasia Conference (SoA-IX). 20-25.09.2008, Chalkidiki, Greece

International PhD Workshop “Cross-linguistic Aspects of Aphasia”. 4‐5.07.2008, Campus Griebnitzsee, Potsdam, Germany

Seminars “Clinical Linguistics” (EMCL). 1-30.06.2008, Potsdam, Germany
– Agrammatism: Evidence and Theory, Prof. Loraine Obler, the City University of New York
– Bilingual Aphasia, Prof. Shyamala Chengappa, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing
– Language Impairments in Children and Adolescents, Prof. Dorit Ravid, Tel Aviv University

Seminar “Clinical Neurology and Rehabilitation for Clinical Linguists”, Stephan Bamborschke (MD). 21-23.04.2008, Brandenburg Clinic, Bernau, Germany

The 4th National Congress on Language and Speech Disorders. 3-5.05.2007, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey


Certificates for Academic Development Trainings

Scientia Qualification Program for Postdocs, 26.01.2023 – 16.01.2024, University of Würzburg, Germany

Transactional analysis training: A method to analyse transactions in communication with others. Basic, 10-11.12.2021; Advanced, 7-8-21-22.01.2022, CIIP Hülya Üstel Eleviş


Scholarships and Travel Grants

Scientia Scholarship for Postdocs from the Bavarian Equal Opportunity Grants (BGF)

from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis 2014 awarded to Prof. Artemis Alexiadou
for the guest talk “DOM and specificity in mono- and bilingual speakers of Turkish” 26.06.2017, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

from German Research Foundation (DFG)
for LOT Summer School. 15-26.06.2015, Leuven, Belgium
for DGfS Summer School 2016. Mapping Meaning: Theory-Cognition-Variation. 15-26.08.2016, Tübingen, Germany

from German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
for Workshop on Impairments in the mental lexicon: The case of child and adult bilinguals. 03.08.2016, Potsdam, Germany

from Department of Linguistics, University of Bielefeld, Germany
for the guest talk “Gradience in bilingual grammars” 27.01.2016

from Centre for Research in Language Learning and Use, University of York, UK
for the guest talk “Bilingual processing of linguistic interfaces” 07.10.2015

from Research Funding of Faculty of Philosophy I, University of Würzburg, Germany
for Agreement 2014: Defining and Mapping Agreement. 31.07.2014, York, UK

from Research School of Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences, Groningen, the Netherlands
for Workshop on Neurobilingualism. 25-27.09.2013, Groningen, The Netherlands

from Centre for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics (CASTL), University of Tromsø, Norway
for Workshop: Acquisition at the Interface. 22-23.10.2012, Tromsø, Norway

from Young Scholar Fund, Institute for Advanced Study for young scholars, University of Konstanz, Germany
for 15th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics. 20-22.08.2010, Szeged, Hungary
for Seventeenth Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting. 17-20.04.2010, Montreal, Canada

from Department of Linguistics, University of Konstanz, Germany
for Semantics in the Netherlands (SiN-VIII). 05.11.2010, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

from German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
for FiSS (Research Initiative: Language Diagnostics and Language Support) Spring Workshop: Visual Data Analyses and Evaluation of Existing Methods, 28-29.03.2011, University of Hamburg, Germany
for Multilingual Individuals and Multilingual Societies (MIMS). 06-08.12.2010, University of Hamburg, Germany
for Donostia Workshop on Neurobilingualism. 30.11-02.12.2010, Basque Centre on Cognition, Brain and Language, Basque Country
for FiSS (Research Initiative: Language Diagnostics and Language Support) Spring Workshop, 17- 19.03.2010, University of Bamberg, Germany
for the First FiSS (Research Initiative: Language Diagnostics and Language Support) Autumn School for Young Researchers “Dealing with Experimental Data”. 25-27.11.2009, University of Hamburg, Germany

from Centre for Language and Cognition, Groningen, the Netherlands
for International Science of Aphasia Conference (SoA-X). 28.09-03.10.2009, Antalya, Turkey

from The Erasmus Mundus Masters program in Clinical Linguistics (EMCL)
for International Science of Aphasia Conference (SoA-IX). 20-25.09.2008, Chalkidiki, Greece